
Generalized Anxiety Disorder - A Crash Course in Understanding

Generalized Anxiety Disorder - A Crash Course in Understanding
Allie Macalister

Publishing Info:
Ottawa, Canada 2016
Saddle stitched zine in black and white photocopy.
A6 portrait with 12 pages


An honest and personal account of Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD) and the process the author went through in seeking treatment. The zine also includes links to helpful resources. Illustrated as a mini-comic that tells this personal narrative.

"The comic goes into detail about my personal journey of when I discovered I had GAD, my fights with the monster within, and my somewhat tumultuous journey through treatment options.
This comic is NOT a substitute for any medical advice. If you feel you have similar issues, please seek a medical professional. I’ve included a short list of resources on the back cover of the comic for people to learn more, for themselves or for loved ones...This comic took a lot of courage for me to release. I do hope you enjoy it." Author's website