If you enjoy all things stationery then you are one of our people.
Here's a look at some beautiful chunky pencils for getting a gorgeous dark line in your drawings.
My Favourite Chunky Pencils For Dark Line Work
Ahava Evie Fridel
Publishing Info:
London, 2017
A5 colour
8 x pages
Short narrative about two young women who visit Madrid. The narrative suggests that the protagonist is revisiting a familiar place from childhood. There is an undercurrent of grief throughout the story with the protagonist revisiting places that were once shared with another. The illustrations are expressive pencil drawings and the use of colour and black and white to emphasise 'now' and 'then' is beautifully handled. A story about grief, memories and emotions with touches of humour.
Link to Website: https://cargocollective.com/ahavafridel
Dog and The Cat (The)
Dog and The Cat (The)
Dominique DuongPublishing Info:
London, undated c.2021
A5 full colour printing
32 x pages
Lovely illustrations with a narrative that builds slowly about the growing connection between two women.
"A short queer fantasy romance comic I self-published, based on the myth of the Cat and the Chinese Zodiac. A slowburn romance story of a betrayal, the rebuilding of trust and delicious food." (author's website)
Link to Instagram: @domduongart
I Really Don't Know Where I'm Going...
I Really Don't Know Where I'm Going...
Publishing Info:
London (?), undated c.2021
A5 black and white with colour cover
34 x pages
Selection of captioned doodles all about the author's mental health. The back of the zine has this quote ' Tales from my neurodiverse soul; told through pictures. The drawings visualise emotions such as fear and hopelessness including a dog,
cake and a tortoise.
cake and a tortoise.
Link to Instagram: @recovery_doodles
2-Minute Zines 'Animal Welfare'
Two Minute Zines is a collection of short films that showcase various issues within our collection. We'll focus on content, materiality, illustration or other themes but only in two-minute chunks.
These were originally created for TikTok and are in vertical format
This is our first example: Animal Welfare Issues compares A Foul Egg and Monkey Trapped
Mouthy Queers
Mouthy Queers
Rachael House
Publishing Info:
Made on a residency at Cornwall Zine Library, Fish Factory Arts in 2019
Mini-zine (A4 foldy)
16 x pages (folded)
Printed in red on yellow paper
Described as a celebration of people who have something to say, including writers, artists, performers, teachers, cartoonists etc. LGBTQI+ zine that introduces many inspirational characters.