

Conor Clements

Publishing Info:
Portsmouth, UK 2022
A5 saddle stitched
32 pages laser printed in colour.

This zine was created as the Major Project for Conor's MA illustration. The research was into creativity, play and education. The zine encourages the reader to be playful in order to inspire creativity, aimed at a younger audience the methods included are cheap and easily accessible using old cardboard, poster paints, scissors and glue. The zine encourages tactile creativity and the pleasure of making tangible artworks - for fun.


Debrutalising Brutalism

Debrutalising Brutalism
Mel Gale

Publishing Info:
Hereford, UK 2022
A5 saddle stitched 
12 pages laser printed in colour.

This zine is a series of illustrations that explores the idea of reinterpreting iconic brutalist buildings in a playful and light-hearted manner. The illustrations depict well-known structures such as the Unite d'habitation in Marseille and the Roihuvuori water tower in Helsinki as fairground rides, utilizing limited colours and a humorous tone to de-brutalise these architectural icons. This work serves as a commentary on the often divisive nature of brutalism, while also highlighting the potential for architectural forms to be reinterpreted in new and unexpected ways
