
Beyond Recovery, Issue 2


Beyond Recovery, Issue 2
Hope, Positivity and Creativity in Mental Health
Artists' Collective funded by the Wirral West Community Fund

Publishing Info:
24 x pages
A5 colour printed

"Beyond Recovery is an independent community mental health creative project that started in late 2011. We are a small group of people who have been gathering ‘expert by experience’ mental health art pieces and literature in the Merseyside area of England. We want to pass on the wisdom gleaned by people recovering from mental distress about staying well to other people, as well as pointing out local, national and international organisations people can turn to for help and information.

We have printed two booklets featuring articles and artwork from service users in Merseyside on recovery in mental health. They also featured a guide to local mental health services. We distributed the booklets throughout Merseyside’s shops, bars, cafes and health centers – keep your eyes peeled!

We produced our first booklet in early 2016 and distributed the 2000 copies as widely as possible in the local area to a variety of organisations, cafes, barbers, libraries and to national mental health organisations via email. For issue 2 we held creative sessions at The West Kirby Drop-In during 2016 to obtain some of the material after gaining funding from The Wirral West Community Fund. For further details you can contact us via, social media or this blog." (Text from Project Website)