
Migraine in Wonderland

Migraine in Wonderland
Emily Chappell (artist and editor)

Publishing Info:
28 x pages
A5 zine
Laser printed in colour with card cover
Scotland 2024

Zine focussed on creative responses to the lived experience of migraines. This collective of 11 artists each uses their practice to share their stories.

"Migraine research is underfunded, GPs undertrained, support within society minimal, and the condition consistently misunderstood, ridiculed and undermined. 11 artists, including myself, have put forward a creative response for this zine. We are all based in Scotland, but geography aside, we all have migraine and a creative outlook in common. Responses were varied in tone and content, yet each was an emotive and humbling thing to receive. People are being generous with their honesty here." Emily Chappell, zine intro.

Link to author's website