Things People Say When You Are Autistic


Things People Say When You Are Autistic
Orlando Richardson

Publishing Info:
22 x pages
29cm x 21cm A4 landscape
Laser printed in black and white
London, UK 2024
This zine shares, through hand-drawn text and images, a series of statements often heard by people with autism. For example "Can they fix it?" and "But you talk". The zine looks from the perspective of a neurodivergent artist and reflects back the ill-considered comments directed at them.  The zine is monochrome, landscape A4 making the words feel loud and very much in the face of the reader.

Instagram: @orlandorichardsonart

Heaps vol.1: Breathtaking Panorama

Heaps vol.1: Breathtaking Panorama 
Luke Johnson and Simon Hobbs

Publishing Info:
Folded 4-page double-sided concertina
23cm x 9cm closed
Laser printing on textured paper, issue 2 of 15
Portsmouth, UK 2024
Zine that celebrates mid-century American tourist ephemera. This collaborative zine brings together items from the authors's personal archives, referred to as 'the Heaps Archive'. The zine focuses on colourful typography found in tourist leaflets and maps.

Instagram: @heaps_zine

Beautiful Truth (The)

Beautiful Truth (The)
Dexter Froud

Publishing Info:
Indiana, PA, USA 2024
12 x pages
Black and white photocopy onto 90gsm white paper

Short autobiographical narrative about mental health challenges and coping mechanisms. Text with line drawings that explain how the author has been experimenting with blind contour drawings (a method of drawing without looking at your pen and moving it without taking it off the paper. The story parallels drawing distorted lines and how thoughts can also become distorted. It also shows the positive effect drawing can have as a release.

Artist's Contact, a PDF version is available: / Venmo (@dexfro)

Lost in Translation


Lost in Translation
Jess Babbini-Baker

Publishing Info:
Winchester, UK 2023
A3 foldy
Colour laser print on cartridge paper

This zine is created from collaged and painterly marks that evoke the sea, nature and the night sky. Blue tones throughout with no text apart from the maker's name on the pink bellyband.

Instagam: @jessbbaker_art



Collaborative zine: Ceri Amphlett. Alice Flynn, Amy Palmer, Helena Woolley, Madeline Lincoln, Lee Shearman, Luke Johnson, Jasmine Young, Jaz Potter, Joe Emery, Will Welton.

Publishing Info:
Portsmouth, UK 2024
A4 French folded printed on RISO ME 9350E
140gsm Seawhite cartridge

This zine was created during a Riso Up Club with Ceri Amphlett and Lee Shearman for BA illustration students at the University of Portsmouth UK. It includes individual and collaborative printed pages in a range of colours and overlays.

Link to Riso_Up Club

Practice Makes Perfect Progress


Practice Makes Perfect Progress
Collaborative zine: Mark Jones / Riley Stratton / Yuting Zhou / Cat Kidd / Sean Sesbreno / Julia Kniupa

Publishing Info:
Portsmouth, UK 2024
A4 folded zine
RISO printed on ME 9350E

This zine was created during a Riso workshop by Ceri Amphlett for MA illustration students at the University of Portsmouth UK. They made the artwork and printed the edition in about 3 hours. In this session, the students created whatever they wanted and agreed to print in yellow/pink/blue.

Link to Riso_Up Club


Rhiannon Richardson

Publishing Info:
Winchester, UK 2023
A4 folded vertically 210mm x 85mm
Hardcovers, with 12 x page concertina

This zine is created from collaged architectural and landscaped elements. Blue and orange are prominent throughout and details of maps and text are interwoven.

Wyrd No.1 and No.2

Wyrd No.1 and No.2
Publisher/editor Will Wright

Publishing Info:
A5 perfect bound
Colour printed on silk recycled paper
no.1 - 52 x pages / no.2 - 68 x pages

Publishing various art and articles of contemporary shamanism, occult and high strangeness.

  • Wyrd - insight into contemporary shamanism
  • Handrunes - an Elder Futhark rune technique using your digits
  • Yggdrasil: The Universe Inside- exploring modern visionary art of the world tree
  • Mr Punch - toy photography of the Lord of Misrule
  • Trance Visions - exclusive art and insight into a modern Seidh practice
  • Banishings and the Northern Perspective - use of this ritual within the Northern Mysteries
  • Wyrd Basics - a guide to meditation
  • Futhark font by Will Wright. A Graffiti-inspired rune font for the Elder Futhark.
  • Handrunes pt2 by Magnus Stokoe. More ideas and techniques for this finger magick.
  • Rave & Ritual by Will Wright. Dance, trance and the occult.
  • Visionary Art of Tefnut by Claire Wyldheart. Devotional doll photography.
  • Mr Punch & Friends. Further adventures of the Lord of Misrule and his folklore companions
  • Wyrd Basics: Exercise of Will
Publishers Instagram:

Manifest No.11: Great & Small [bundled with] There's No Such Thing as the Poop Fairy

Manifest No.11: Great & Small [bundled with] There's No Such Thing as the Poop Fairy
Jen Payne

Publishing Info:
24 pages, portrait format
Colour printing on satin paper
Branford, CT, USA, 2023
Zine about animals in art and literature containing photos, drawings, collages, poems, narratives and thoughts. 
The included mini zine There's No Such Thing as the Poop Fairy contains advice on how to behave responsibly in nature

Artist's Website:
Instagram: @3chairsbooks

Zino Loci - Issue 1

Introducing ZINO LOCI a shared imaginary location that seeks to bring visual and creative voices together annually on shared themes. Zineopolis is excited to welcome a new collaborative zine project between students at the University of Portsmouth, UK and Chulalongkorn University, Thailand. The project will be run collectively by Jac Batey, Nicolas Verstappen,  and Jonathan Scott.

The first issue of this collaborative zine is themed around GUILT and SHAME. The contributors explored how these complex emotions are visualised through narrative, comics, sequential illustration and artistic expression. Printed in Portsmouth, UK (2023)

See the link to the Zino Loci website for more info.    Zino Loci Website



Industrie Museum Gent - To accompany the Printing Exhibit
Belgium 2023

Publishing  Info:
Folding minizine.
Laserprinted on arrival in the exhibit.

There is a colour laser printer at the entrance to the printing technology exhibit in the Industry Museum in Ghent, Belgium.
Visitors to the exhibit can print their own personalised copy (adding a name and title) then as they walk around the printing presses and other artefacts there are six stages where they can stop and add to their zine. The stages encourage the visitor to draw type, add colour stickers, rubber stamps and embossing. Each element supports information about printing technology. 
A lovely way to engage visitors and elicit interaction and attention.

Link to Industry Museum:

World Through Our Eyes (The)

World Through Our Eyes (The): Selection of 6 x Mini Zines
Loretta Butler (editor)

Publishing Info:
Publisher: The World Through Our Eyes - Fort Collins, Colorado, US (2023)
A4 folded mini zines (foldy zines)
Colour laser printed on white paper.

A mixture of visual zines on various themes. Focussed on Gen-Z issues
“The World Through Our Eyes is a zine filled with wonderful alternative art and writing. The pieces included in this zine are created by young up-and-coming artists whose work does not necessarily fit in with societal norms due to its punk, queer, and alternative nature. Our purpose with this zine is to give people the opportunity to come together and share stories, experiences, and feelings with each other free of judgment. A place where others can finally see the world through our eyes.” (Publishers Instagram)

Publishers Instagram:


My Worries, Fears & Anxieties


My Worries, Fears & Anxieties 
Luke Johnson aka Lulu

Publishing Info:
Portsmouth, UK 2023
Foldy A3 down into A6
Laser Printed on 200gsm white card

An illustrated collection of the author’s fears including pet death, too much water, and answering telephone calls. Blue and yellow throughout with illustrations in a mixture of drawing, collage, and printmaking 

Link to Instagram:

It's on the Syllabus!

It's on the Syllabus!

Andrew Kozlowski
Papercity Publishing
FL, USA (undated, c.2019)

Publishing Info:
A4 foldy zine
blue ink on cream paper
102mm x 66mm closed

This zine contains hand-drawn speech bubbles that represent a dialogue between the teacher and the student. The teacher is fielding all the questions with the assertion that the information required is already 'on the syllabus'. The zine hints at structural educational issues such as budget cuts and non-functioning teaching management systems. The zine is a humourous snapshot of the day in the life of a teacher.

Artist's Instagram: @Andrew.Kozlowski

Hello My Name is Sketchbook as Textbook

Hello My Name is Sketchbook as Textbook
Andrew Kozlowski
Papercity Publishing
FL, USA 2022

Publishing  Info:
28 x pages
Blue and black monochrome printing on cream paper
Illustrated as a narrative comic
Saddle-stitched 20cm x 25cm

This zine is a partial pastiche of a sketchbook that explains how keeping a sketchbook can be a useful practice for artists. It is narrated by the ‘teacher’ running the drawing classes and includes his thoughts and ideas about creative practice. The illustrations are a mix of metaphorical, educational, fantastical, and realistic. This is a lovely drawn manifesto in favour of the Sketchbook and gives a strong rationale for keeping one.

Artist's Instagram: @Andrew.Kozlowski

Things Will Get Better: But They Won’t Be the Same


Things Will Get Better: But They Won’t Be the Same
Andrew Kozlowski
Papercity Publishing
FL, USA 2021

Publishing Info:
40 x pages, laser printed on cream paper.
Yellow Card cover with a monochrome photo.

Laser printed on cream paper in monochrome. The zine contains life anecdotes, family photos and snapshots. The zine is about transition moments where the author moves from ‘one place of uncertainties to another’. There are stories about COVID-19 and memories from school, the anecdotes are a mix of melancholy, isolation, and embarrassment but told with gentleness.

Artist's Instagram: @Andrew.Kozlowski



Front cover through red lens


Ula Hanham, Holly Whitton, Erin Baldwin, Becca Taylor

Publishing Info:
16 pages, riso printed (blue/pink) on card.
With red acetate lens in pink 'female symbol'
Portsmouth, UK 20203

A collaborative feminist zine that contains overlayed images in blue/pink. When viewed through the red lens the pink vanishes, a metaphor for female voices being silenced or ignored. Created by students on BA illustration in response to a theme of social awareness.

Authors' social media: not listed


Andrew Kozlowski
Papercity Publishing
FL, USA 2021

Publishing Info:
Riso printed in two colours
A4 Foldy on soft green/blue paper

Created for Quarantine Public Library, a small folded zine with a narrative that shows the author going about his daily tasks, such as feeding the cat, emptying the litter tray, and going for a run. The zine refers to the worry experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic and shows how this underpinned daily life. The zine folds out to show a poster image on the reverse of the author eating pizza at home.

Artist's Instagram: @Andrew.Kozlowski

Twenty Four Wolves

Twenty Four Wolves
Andrew Kozlowski
Papercity Publishing
FL, USA 2023

Publishing Info:
Riso printed in several colours 28 pages on light cartridge paper.
Card cover screen printed in black on orange

Beautifully illustrated narrative with stamped typography about 'something looming', the author makes reference to the final days of a long summer and thinking about the return to work. The feeling of 'something' is illustrated as 24 wolves chasing the author.

Artist's Instagram: @Andrew.Kozlowski

World Through Our Eyes (The): Transcending Perspectives #2

World Through Our Eyes (The): Transcending Perspectives
Loretta Butler (editor)

Contributors: Luke Morgan, Evie Griffith, Vincent Rose, Ashton Dakota, Rei Belmont, Maven Savage. Lee Clarson (Illustration).

Publishing Info:
Publisher: The World Through Our Eyes - Fort Collins, Colorado, US (2023)
A5 saddle-stitched
16 pages
Black and white photocopy with coloured pink paper cover.

A mixture of short narratives, poems, collages and illustrations on various themes. This zine operated with a call for submissions and contributors share their thoughts and feelings about contemporary culture, including Gen-Z issues, mental health, feminism, queer, trans issues and social justice.

“The World Through Our Eyes is a zine filled with wonderful alternative art and writing. The pieces included in this zine are created by young up-and-coming artists whose work does not necessarily fit in with societal norms due to its punk, queer, and alternative nature. Our purpose with this zine is to give people the opportunity to come together and share stories, experiences, and feelings with each other free of judgment. A place where others can finally see the world through our eyes.” (Publishers Instagram)

Publishers Instagram:

The World Through Our Eyes #1

The World Through Our Eyes #1
Maven Savage (editor)
Contributors: Drew Gardener, Calliandra, Lee Clarson (illustrator), Ashton Dakota, Nico Olivo, Loretta Butler, Sophia Ashley, Anita LaRoche, Jack Atkinson, Maia Corsale, Alisa, Bethany Ramus, Maven Savage

Publishing Info:
Publisher: The World Through Our Eyes, Fort Collins, Colorado, US (2023)
A5 saddle-stitched
24 pages
Black and white photocopy with coloured lime green paper.

A mixture of short narratives, poems, collages and illustrations on various themes. This zine operated with a call for submissions and contributors share their thoughts and feelings about contemporary culture, including Gen-Z issues, mental health, feminism, queer, and trans issues.

“The World Through Our Eyes is a zine filled with wonderful alternative art and writing. The pieces included in this zine are created by young up-and-coming artists whose work does not necessarily fit in with societal norms due to its punk, queer, and alternative nature. Our purpose with this zine is to give people the opportunity to come together and share stories, experiences, and feelings with each other free of judgment. A place where others can finally see the world through our eyes.” (Publishers Instagram)

Publishers Instagram:

Handsome Testimonial (A)

zine, a handsome testimonial by Gill Crawshaw
zine, a handsome testimonial by Gill Crawshaw

A Handsome Testimonial: The Life and Times of James Scott (1829-1912)
Gill Crawshaw

Publishing Info:
UK, 2023
A5 zine, saddle stitched
38 pages
Photocopied in black & white on recycled paper with a heavier grey cover.

This zine tells the story of Deaf textile worker James Scott. The author has researched his life and places it in the context of Victorian attitudes to disability and charity. The zine tells a positive and often overlooked narrative of a disabled worker contributing to his family and society through employment. The zine also explores language around disability, such as how Victorian terminology may have changed but these historical attitudes can still exert influence on contemporary perceptions around charity, pity and worth. Collaged text and images many from historical sources. The zine was funded by Unlimited

Author on Instagram @gillcrawshaw

Sisters of Mercy Are the Merciful Police, (The)


Sisters of Mercy Are the Merciful Police, (The)
Dylan Earnshaw

Publishing Info:
A5 laser printed on neon (various colours).
16 x pages
Included B&W A4 foldy 'Rolladisko'
UK (2023)

UK Goth band 'The Sisters of Mercy' are reimagined as detectives trying to solve crimes and capture the baddie 'Brick-Bat'. Fun punk/goth aesthetic throughout the colour neon pages. The author names The Sister of Mercy song 'Adrenachrome' as a theme tune to play alongside reading.

Link to author:

Gumballs #2

Gumballs #2
Erin Nations

Publishing Info:
San Diego, USA 2017
16cm x 23cm
32 pages, colour printing

An entertaining and beautifully illustrated zine containing a mix of one and two-page comic strips about life, family, testosterone, friendship and cats. All issues of this zine and more are now available as a book ‘Gumballs’, Top Shelf Productions (2018).

This issue was the WINNER - 2018 DINKY Award for Outstanding Work Showcasing Diversity (Gumballs #2, 3, & 4)
“The buzzed-about series returns! In his second issue, Erin’s ready to do some shots of testosterone, that is, injected weekly for Hormone Replacement Therapy. The result? ‘I feel like I’m going through menopause and puberty at the same time.’ Plus: an all-new assortment of workplace antics, memories of Erin’s triplet childhood, imaginative personal ads, animal observations, and much more!”
(Publishers website)
Link to author:
Erin Nations is the writer and illustrator of the comic book series Gumballs 
  • NOMINATED - 2018 Ignatz Award for Outstanding Series
  • NOMINATED - 2019 Eisner Award for Best Publication for Teens (13-17)